In April 2005 I realeased my series of do-it-yourself hunting trophies called 'Antlor - The Deer Departed'. Each Antlor is made up of two sheets of thick, nice quality A4 paper, you cut out the individual pieces, glue them together and voila, you got the glory of a hunting trophy. when you buy a rack og Antlor, you also get a blank set with just the outlines for customization.

The designer toy scene has previously been dominatied by vinyl toys, it still is but Antlor takes the designer toy scene in another direction. This project is very much a case of thing coming full circle, my fonts are inspired by the LEGO and model kits of my childhood and now my type has inspired me to make model kits.
The project has two series so far: Series 1 that is available from the shops is limited to 2.000 pices of each and the kits are hand numbered and packed in zip-lock bags.

Series 0 is the free stuff, there's one at the Antlor website and since then I have launched Antlor SecuriTV.

Get a free, downloadable Antlor here: standard ed.
blank ed. or buy the nicely printed ones here.