During the planning of the private view, it soon spiraled - not out of control, but definitely in a different direction and I spiraled with it, transforming into the main event, the private view became The See, the exhibition became a memory or a faint residue of this.

So when everything was done and dusted for the exhibtion, a new bout of designing and making came on, an interactive map was produced so people could mark the most beautiful thing they'd ever seen - of course you got the odd "The inside of Ferris Bueler's ass" comments, but mostly people played along and used the map as intended - as a way to get to talk about beauty. I was afraid it wouldn't work because people are reluctant to bare their serene memories - it's always easier to joke or do something funny.

I produced masks for the show as well - I realise I should have made 50 or so instead of fifteen as - again - I found that there were enough people willing to play along.

Having made flags and running out of time, I decided against the original plan of handing out flowers as this tied in beautifully with the theme of applied and superficial beauty the sole purpose of which is exactly beauty.