Summer/autumn 2009, London
Page made after having visited the Exquisite Bodies exhibition at The Wellcome Collection.

Exhibitions at The Wellcome Collection are always very well curated, this was no exception even though the freak-show nature of the show didn't sit that well with me.

This was the first page in a new book and therefore it's quite overworked - for some reason it's important to me that the start is interesting, not nessecarily good, but interesting. These pages made after having seen exhibitions are a useful tool as my mind is set on the visual language of the just seen exhibition, so while this page isn't research/development of ideas in the conventional sense, it starts off in the direction set by the exhibition and runs with it.

This style of "copying" is something I've brought more and more into my teaching projects - you learn more about serifs by drawing them than googling them.