Getting away from it all. Away - in this case is to Sweden, a week in a forest, no internet or telly distractions, just spinning ideas and producing spontaneous work, inbetween re-applying mosquito-repellant.

We temporarily left our studio and lives in London to "haunt" the Swedish woodland with a project on ghosts and spirits. But once there, the work expanded into a couple of filled sketchbooks and various other experiments. The reason for these detours: mosquitos - and lots of them.

After having found a less mozzi-infested part of a forest, we started wrapping a group of trees in red wool in order to create their "tree-ghosts" - each "tree-ghost" showing its own personality to surprise potential random passers-by.

Think "Path Art" as opposed to "Street Art".

The project was based on "Shinto" Ð the Japanese tradition that rivers, trees, etc. are not only living, but also spirited entities mixed with a more Western notion of a "spirit world" that is co-existing with real life.

The small project was never meant to be scary, rather to make you wonder and marvel at things you often take for granted on the journeys in everyday life.

The short residency was a perfect way to try ideas and techniques out, The Ghosting was merely one of them, other experiments included turning a kitchen into a camera obscura, dye and paintmaking from nature, improvised paper engineering/sculpting and timebased work.