online student support/tutorials

I now offer online tutorials/project support if you're stuck, want some feedback or a fresh input, need more inspiration or simply can't make up your mind.

I'll go through your work and make suggestions on what to do next, I won't come up with your logo, brochure, pop-up or whatever, but I'll give you input and we will discuss ideas via email.

You pay by the hour and the first one or two will go fast as I will need to look through what you've done so far, read your project brief and so on to get an idea of where you are heading.

Hourly rates: 150 dkr/27 USD/21 EURO/18 GBP + 25% VAT if you're in the EU. (prices including VAT is then: 187.50 dkr/26.25 EURO/22.5 GBP

Minimum session: The first two hours, then one hour slots.

You can also use it as an ongoing service to get feedback on several smaller projects.

email me to get started.