In summer 2006 I visited Legoland with a journalist in order to document my tagging of the place.

The thing is, the miniature city in Legoland form a perfect copy of our cities, with the exception of graffiti, it does not exist in the Lego universe, therefore I decided to tag the last untagged city in the world, but I wanted to do it Lego style and I wanted it be harmless and fun so I built impossible sculptural shapes out of Lego and visited the place with aforementioned journalist and tagged the place and a tradition was born. The objects are always just placed there or clicked on to existing parts, no glue is used, no alterations to existing buildings is made, no vandalism in other words

In 2007 I placed one more sculpture in the same style, but all the while the journalist and I talked about something more pop-culture and in 2008 I placed a single object in Legoland: A 2001 - A Space Odessey style black monolith in in the park.

Every year I've returned, the sculptures from the previous years have been removed which is probably the reason there's no graffiti in Legoland.

Additional pictures