Sweaty Sightseeing is a guided run in urban areas that started life during Århus festuge.

In its first incarnation participating was free and during the week long festival you could run three 5 K routes:

Street Decoration and Vandalism - about local graffiti og streetart i
Doors to Hell - A run past some of the many entrances to hell in town
Scavenger Hunt - Participant collected visual input and ran screaming and yelling through town

The runs were fairly slow (slowest group took about an hour including stops where I talked about Graffiti - fastest group was on the scavenger hunt which had no stops nailed it in about 35 mins.)
After the runs I'd arranged fruit juice and fresh fruit at LYNfabrikken - this "sitting down and being social" bit was as important as the run itself because I wanted to see how shared physical activity affects us socially.

The project attracted a lot of media interest and was supported by Århus sekvenstræning, Puma, Århus festuge and LYNfabrikken.

I'm currently working on expanding the idea and specialized runs (amongst others there's a typography Scavenger hunt for designers) are already available anywhere in Europe to companies or organisations, contact me for information.

In the works is also a weekly tour in Århus, but Funding is needed for that. Check this page or sign up for the newsletter to be kept in the loop.

online media coverage is Here in English(not up yet) and here in Danish. (Two different pieces.)

Læs om "Svedig Sightseeing" på Dansk