Along with a briliant copywriter - who for the time being chooses to go unnamed - we made these yellow vinyl stickers to go up on traffic bollards around London. Anonymous Copywriter came up with the basic idea of yellow vinyl on bollards, together we expanded on it, I did the design and together we stickered the streets - drunk out of our minds, because as people who know me know: I'm a pussy...

The beauty of these things is that in daytime they're virtually invisible, come night and they stand out. We put them up around the time of Star Wars' 30th birthday so tweaked AT-ATs and Probe Droids were used along the more universal "Yell OH!" boy. Maybe the fact that we're both geeky about Star Wars plays a part in deciding the subject matter...

We both feel that this isn't the end of "bollart" and vinyl adhesive and we will continue to push forward on this. A funny thing is, we got the "band becomes popular, band becomes crap" syndrome as on the one hand, we want to show this to the world - on the other hand we want it for ourselves, we don't want to see it copied as we feel we were first.

We feel bloody good about this. We call it Bollart and in true Star Wars tradition, there was a limited amount of merchandise to hand out as well.